
Ability scores

Every character has six Abilities.

Strength (STR) - physical power and prowess.

Dexterity (DEX) - agility, coordination, and reflexes.

Constitution (CON) - overall physical fitness and toughness.

Intelligence (INT) - mental quickness and learning ability.

Will (WIL) - mental fortitude and intuition.

Personality (PER) - social ability and charisma

Distributing ability points at character creation

A character creation we have 60 ability points to spend. Example:

Attribute Score
STR 11
CON 11
INT 13
Total 60

Untrained rolls

The “Untrained” score is equal to one-half of the full score rounded down.

Use this score when your character is attempting an action that requires a skill he doesn’t possess.

Resistance Modifiers

Resistance modifiers affect the type of dice your character’s opponents roll when confronting your character. This modifier is applied to the opponent attack changing its effectiveness. Negative resistance modifiers grant a bonus to the opponents attack.

Example: A character with a Dexterity score of 11 has a +1 step resistance modifier for that Ability. If an opponent fires a pistol at her, that +1 step is applied as a penalty to the opponents chance of successfully hitting his target.

Score Modifier
1-4 -2 steps
5-6 -1 step
7-10 0
11-12 +1 step
13-14 +2 steps
15-16 +3 steps
17-18 +4 steps
19+ +5 steps

Action Checks

A character’s action check score is determined by adding his Dexterity and Intelligence scores, dividing the sum by 2 (rounding dawn), then adding a profession bonus.

AC = (DEX + WIL) / 2 _(rounded down)_

Marginal. Ordinary, Good, and Amazing are the degrees of success attainable on an action check.

How well you succeed when making an action check determines how soon your character can take an action.

Actions per round

The number of actions a character can take per round is based on the character’s Constitution and Will scores, and has already been determined tor you.

CON + WIL Actions per round
8-15 1
16-23 2
24-31 3
32+ 4

Durability and Damage


Your character’s stun and wound ratings are equal to his Constitution score.

Your character’s mortal rating is equal to one-half this score, rounded up.


Stun Damage

Stun damage is the lightest type of damage your character can sustain, it represents shocks and bruises that rattle a character but don’t result in lasting injuries.

Knockout: When all the stun boxes are marked, your character is knocked out and can perform no actions until she recovers.

Wound Damage

Wound damage is more serious than stun damage. It represents injuries that cause lasting harm to the body.

Secondary Damage: Wound damage causes secondary stun damage, for every 2 points of wound damage inflicted on your character in a single attack, he also receives 1 point of stun damage (round down).

Knockout: When all of his or her wound boxes are marked. your character is knocked out and can perform no actions until he recovers.


How your character recovers from damage depends on his condition (conscious or knocked out) and the type of damage he has suffered.

Stuns are fleeting, this damage disappears at the end of a scene, it can be repaired during a scene by the use oi Knowledge—First aid, Medical Science, or some other form of medical treatment.

Wounds remain until healed with rest and/or medical attention.

Mortal damage requires the use of the Medical Science-Surgery skill and extensive medical attention to repair.

Knockout: Once a character is knocked-down he will remain unconscious until the end of the round and a whole round after that. At the start of the round after that, he recovers 1 stun point and awakens.

If a character is knocked out from wound damage, he can’t awaken until at least 1 point of his wound damage is healed.