Damage and Healing

Stun damage

Stun damage effects

Battering, cuts, bruising, and exposure to the elements are represented by stun damage.

  • If the stun damage exceeds half the character stun rating the player receives a +1 penalty to all actions due to pain and weariness.
  • If the character runs out of stun points, he is knocked out.
  • For each 2 points of stun damage a knocked out character sustain from a single attack, he suffer 1 point of secondary wound damage. (Secondary damage bypasses armor)

Stun damage recovery

  • Stun damage automatically disappear at the end of the scene.
  • Use of Medical Science - Treatment or Knowledge - First Aid can remove stun damage during a scene and can also return consciousness to knocked-out characters.
  • The psionic power Biokinesis - Rejuvenate can also be use to recover stun damage.

Knocked-out characters

A knocked-out character who doesn’t receive medical attention remains unconscious for the remain of the round he was rendered unconscious, and the next round. Thereafter, an unconscious character can make a Resolve - Physical Resolve check every round to recover.

Characters can’t take any actions on the round they recover; all they do is wake up and take stock of their surroundings.

Wound damage

Wound damage effects

Punctures, burns, serious cuts, or slashes, fractures and widespread systemic injury are considered wound damage.

  • Every 2 points of wound damage a character suffers also cause 1 point of secondary stun damage (Secondary damage bypasses armor)
  • If the wound damage exceeds half the character wound rating the player is dazed, and receives a +1 penalty to all actions due to blood loss and extreme pain. This is cumulative with any other penalty due to damage.
  • If the character runs out of wound points, he is knocked out.
  • For each 2 points of wound damage a knocked out character sustain from a single attack, he suffer 1 point of mortal damage.
  • At the end of a scene in which the character sustained wound damage, a fatigue roll is rolled. Regardless of if the damage was healed during the scene.

Wound damage recovery

  • Wound damage can be healed naturally over days. Each week the character can roll a check.
  • Medical Science - Treatment can be used to heal wound damage.
  • If the character is unconscious because all of having lost all his wound points, he can’t regain consciousness until at least 1 point of wound damage is healed.
  • A character with the psionic power Biokinesis - Heal can heal mortal damage on himself, at rank 8 he can do the same on other characters
  • A character with the Biokinesis - Transfer Damage psionic power can absorb the wound damage of other character.

Mortal damage effects

Mortal damage represents severe injuries to vital parts of the body - a bullet in the chest, a knife in the kidneys, third-degree burns, and other nasty stuff.

  • Every 2 points of mortal damage a character suffers also cause 1 point of secondary wound damage, and 1 point of secondary stun damage. (Secondary damage bypasses armor)
  • Each point of mortal damage impose a +1 penalty to all actions (including Stamina - Endurance checks). This is cumulative with any other penalty due to damage.
  • If the character runs out of mortal points, he is dead.
  • A character that has taken any amount of mortal damage is considered dying.
  • At the end of a scene in which the character sustained mortal damage, a Stamina - Endurance check is made determine if the character condition worsen.
  • Following the end of the scene the character must make a new Stamina - Endurance check every one hour.
  • At the end of a scene in which the character sustained wound damage, a fatigue check is rolled. Regardless of if the damage was healed during the scene.

Mortal damage recovery

  • Mortal damage does not heal naturally, it can only be healed by the use of a medical skill or some kind of power like psionics or alien technology.
  • A successful use of Medical Science - Treatment or Knowledge - First Aid can stabilize a dying character. Reducing the need of Mortal Damage checks to once per day instead of once per hour.
  • Medical Science - Surgery can be used to heal mortal damage.
  • A character with 6 ranks in the psionic power Biokinesis - Heal can heal mortal damage on himself, at rank 8 he can do the same on other characters
  • A character with the Biokinesis - Transfer Damage psionic power can absorb the mortal damage of other character.

Fatigue damage

Fatigue damage effects

  • Each point of Fatigue damage adds a +1 cumulative penalty to all checks
  • When a character exhausts his fatigue points he must make a Resolve - Physical Resolve check, on failure the character fall unconscious.

Fatigue damage recovery

  • A character can make a Resolve - Physical Resolve check once per hour of rest to recover from fatigue.
  • The psionic power Biokinesis - Rejuvenate can also be use to recover fatigue damage.


Knock-out recovery check

Check Result Condition change
Critical Fail None
Marginal None
Ordinary Recover consciousness and 2 stun point
Good Recover consciousness and 4 stun point
Amazing Recover consciousness and 6 stun point

Treat stun damage

Check Result Condition change
Critical Fail None
Marginal None
Ordinary Recover consciousness and 2 stun point
Good Recover consciousness and 3 stun point
Amazing Recover consciousness and 4 stun point

Recovery check

Natural healing: The character can attempt a Resolve - Physical Resolve check once per week to recover wounds.

Recovery check results

Check Result Condition change
Critical Fail Condition worsen (+1 wound)
Marginal Recover 1 wound point
Ordinary Recover 2 wound point
Good Recover 3 wound point
Amazing Recover 4 wound point

Recovery check modifiers

Character activity Check Modifier
Minimal activity No modifier
Hospitalized or complete rest -2 bonus
Normal activity +2 penalty

Fatigue check

Fatigue check results

Check Result Condition change
Critical Fail Condition worsen (+2 fatigue)
Marginal Condition worsen (+1 Fatigue)
Ordinary or better Condition remains the same

Fatigue recovery check

Check Result Fatigue points recovered
Critical Fail None
Marginal None
Ordinary Recover 1 fatigue point
Good Recover 2 fatigue point
Amazing Recover 3 fatigue point

Mortal damage check

Mortal damage check results

Check Result Condition change
Critical Fail Condition worsen (+2 mortals)
Marginal Condition worsen (+1 mortal)
Ordinary or better Condition remains the same


  • Complex skill check
  • Surgery can not be performed in combat
Facilities Check Modifier
Critical conditions1 +4 penalty
Marginal conditions2 No modifier
Good conditions3 -2 bonus
Amazing conditions4 -3 bonus
  1. Poor lightning, primitive tools, no trained assistance
  2. No situation modifier, minimal requirements are met, but not enough to be reasonably successful.
  3. Normal sickbay, or ambulance
  4. State of art sickbay, hospital
Misc modifiers Check Modifier
Trained staff -1 bonus
Medical gauntlet Gauntlet bonus

Surgery procedure

Remaining mortal points Successes needed
4 or less 2 successes per mortal
more than 4 4 + 1 success per mortal
mortals exceeds half the total 2 extra successes

First determine the number of successes needed for the operation and the conditional modifiers (see tables above), after that make the complex Medical Science - Surgery check until reaching the target successes, 3 consecutive fails or a critical failure worsen the condition adding one point mortal damage and losing all the accumulated successes.

Each roll takes one hour, after the operation is completed the patient is healed of all mortal damage.

Treating wound damage

First determine the number of successes needed for the operation and the conditional modifiers (see tables above), after that make the complex Medical Science - Surgery check until reaching the target successes, 3 consecutive fails or a critical failure worsen the condition adding one point mortal damage and losing all the accumulated successes.

Each roll takes one hour, after the operation is completed the patient is healed of all mortal damage.